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Sparkle Strands provide hair sparkling services catered to meet your needs. Our sparkling services are offered for either hourly gatherings or individual services,  which include appointments, small gatherings or walk-up sessions at events.

Paying Individually? How many sparkles do you desire?

5 Sparkles for $15

10 Sparkles for $30

15 Sparkles for $40

20 Sparkles for $50

30 Sparkles for $70

We gently recommend at least 5 strands to ensure you have ample shimmer. 

You can pay with:

Cash, Debit, Credit, Venmo, Paypal or Apple Pay.

Gift cards are also available via square!

Everyone Deserves to Sparkle

Hourly gatherings are sliding scale, ranging from $100-$150 per hour.

Note: Sparklers can tie around 40-50 strands per hour.

We understand there may be financial barriers that prevent you from getting your sparkle on. We offer the opportunity to receive our services by a pay-what-you-can sliding scale:

Your cup is LOW: $100/hour

Your cup is FULL: $125/hour

Your cup is OVERFLOWING: $150/hour

If you are unclear about where you fall and what to pay, we have outlined our thoughts below to begin our discussion even before we meet! Our fee structure is designed to change the model of “we all pay the same” and create clarity around why it is important to disrupt this norm. 

Your cup is LOW: You live off of what you make. You may or may not have a three month savings for emergencies. You haven't accrued a lot of wealth. You may be a single parent. You may not own a home. You have debt due to education, healthcare, family responsibilities etc.

Your cup is FULL: You may own your home. You are salaried or you make over $40.00 an hour. If you are retired you have a pension or a solid retirement fund. You travel regularly long distances. You may have debt but that debt comes from choices in investing in yourself or family members.

Your cup is OVERFLOWING: You are a corporation or own more than one property. You likely have or will inherit family wealth. You can travel, eat out and hire others to take care of some of your needs. You have wealth and income. (retirement income counts)

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